Frequently asked questions

  • What is cannaSWAG?
    • cannaSWAG is the NEWEST & BEST subscription box on the market for smokers.  We have 2 tiers, Basic and Premium, and with the Premium you can select your smoking preference between DAB, Pipe or Mix.  Each box is specially curated with a theme for the month.  Our cannaSWAG experts work to find the coolest AND best quality products to include each month.
  • What are the DAB, Pipe & Mix choices for premium boxes?
    • With the premium boxes, you can select your smoking preference between DAB, Pipe or Mix.  With the DAB preference, each box will contain DAB accessories and/or rigs.  With the Pipe preference, you will get top quality hand pipes, bongs and other pipes.  With the Mix preference, you will get a combination of DAB & Pipe gear.
  • How does the subscription work
    • When you sign up for a subscription to one of our boxes, you can choose between Month-to-Month (1-Month), 3 month, 6 month or 12 month.  Based on the option you chose, you will be charged the full amount up front (i.e., - a 3 month subscription will be billed in full up front).  Regardless of the subscription length you choose, you will receive a box every month that your subscription is active.  At the end of your subscription term, if you have not cancelled, you will be automatically billed for the next duration.